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CLASSES-Teen, Novice, Masters 40+, Grand Masters 50+, Open, Professional  REQUIREMENTSSports Bra and scrunch bottoms. No shoes IDEAL BODYLean and toned with slight visible muscle definitions such as abs, lats, biceps, triceps rounded shoulders, quads and glute-hamstring tie-in   Relaxed posed guidelinesKeep your feet flatHold your arms at your sidesNo excessive twisting Mandatory Poses During ComparisonsFront Double BicepSide TricepRear Double BicepAbdominals with one thigh Individual Routine - “I” WALKFront pose in center backstage, walk from back to front center. At front center stage showcase front, side, and back pose, return to front, acknowledge and exit

Women's Athletic

  • All registrations are final. No refunds, no cancellations, no postponing shows. 

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