CLASSES-Teen, Novice, Masters 40+, Grand Masters 50+, Open, Professional REQUIREMENTSSports Bra and scrunch bottoms. No shoes IDEAL BODYLean and toned with slight visible muscle definitions such as abs, lats, biceps, triceps rounded shoulders, quads and glute-hamstring tie-in Relaxed posed guidelinesKeep your feet flatHold your arms at your sidesNo excessive twisting Mandatory Poses During ComparisonsFront Double BicepSide TricepRear Double BicepAbdominals with one thigh Individual Routine - “I” WALKFront pose in center backstage, walk from back to front center. At front center stage showcase front, side, and back pose, return to front, acknowledge and exit
Women's Athletic
All registrations are final. No refunds, no cancellations, no postponing shows.